Monday, December 23, 2019

Reflection Paper On Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - 1163 Words

Theoretical Orientation Paper The first time I realized the impact my thoughts had on my behavior was in middle school. Growing up in a poor family, college was just a dream I wished to achieve. I knew for it to be achievable, I needed to succeed academically. Unfortunately, I did not think I had the skills or abilities to do so. Negative thoughts about my ability to succeed in school haunted me. I was constantly comparing myself to those around me. Knowing only a few people in my family graduated from high school only furthered my negative thoughts. The fear of following my family’s footsteps motivated me to change my thoughts. Instead of focusing on what I did not do well, I directed my thoughts to what I did. The change in my†¦show more content†¦The two earliest forms of CBT were Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Therapy. Albert Ellis developed relational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) and it was considered the first cognitive behavioral therapy. Ellis believed problematic belie fs lead to self-defeating behaviors. He worked with clients to change irrational beliefs to more rational ones by using the ABCD model (Corey, 2017; Wood, Barker, Turner, 2017). During the time REBT was developing, Aaron Beck developed cognitive therapy (CT). He believed negative automatic thoughts and cognitive distortions affected self-schemas. The stream of negative thoughts affected the way individuals viewed themselves, the world, and the future. Beck worked with clients to change their self-schemas and beliefs by using behavioral techniques. As he helped clients identify, evaluate and modify thoughts, clients thought more realistically (Corey, 2017). The last important figure in CBT, Donald Meichenbaum, focused on cognitive behavioral modification by changing clients self-talk. He noticed self-statements affected an individual’s behavior in the same way if the statement was made by another person. He developed cognitive restructuring that taught clients to identify and dispute cognitive distortions. For change to occur, clients learned to modify the instructions they gave themselves. This was done through self-observation, meditation, and coping skills (Corey, 2017). The What CBT isShow MoreRelatedRacism1204 Words   |  5 Pagesreaction to the assigned reading? I really enjoyed this reading in Chapter 9. I related this reading to the work I do in my field practicum as it relates to the cognitive and moral development of human beings and human behaviors. As you already know, I work for Stella Maris, a drug and alcohol treatment facility. We talk a lot about cognitive development and the concerns we have with our clients as it relates to their disease of addiction. 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