Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Merchant of Venice - 938 Words

Love and Hate The Merchant of Venice a play written by the famous poet and play writer, William Shakespeare, in the year 1596 - 1598. It is based on both love and hate. Shakespeare demonstrates the themes of love and hate clearly through various character. The friendship love is shown through Antonio towards Bassanio, romantic love is shown through Portia and Bassanio and self love is shown through shylock. However Shakespeare also illustrates hates during the play through the characters shylock and Antonio and shylock and his daughter Jessica. The Merchant of Venice is a play about love, the play mainly revolve around the romantic love of these main characters Portia and Bassanio. As written in the play, Portia was a rich woman†¦show more content†¦Not only she leaves her dad without informing him about it, she also takes most of his money with her, which she truly knows his great love towards being rich. â€Å"Two thousand ducats in that and other precious, precious jewels. I would my daughter were dead at my foot and the jewels in her ear! Would she were hearsed at my foot and the ducats in her coffin!† (3.1,74-86) in these verses all Shylock talks about is that he would prefer that his daughter were to be dead in front of him with the precious jewels and ducats lay with her in coffin than to find out that she has gone with the ducats after a Christian. This shows the great hate that is going on in the play The Merchant of Venice. In conclusions, it is understandable that the Shakespearean play The Merchant of Venice is a play about love and hate. He has accomplishment to apply the love and hate theme, through the various actions and behaviours of the characters that make up the play. As a result the incidents and the characters make the theme of love and hate the backbone of the main plot which they collectively hold the story together. The love is shown through Portia and Bassanio, and another different way of love is shown through Shylock to himself. Hatred is greatly shown through the characters Shylock and Antonio and Jessica and her father Shylock. All these big incidents demonstrate the back bone theme of The Merchant ofShow MoreRelatedThe Merchant of Venice939 Words   |  4 PagesThese are two of Shakespearean antagonists of all time. They are alike in more ways than one. Shylock in Merchant of Venice is a Jewish moneylender based in Venice. He has been tormented and repressed mainly by the Christia n population. One finds it easy to sympathize with him mainly because he has his own reasons to be loathing, greedy, and miserly. This ends up making the entire ‘Merchant of Venice’ bittersweet. This was when Shylock was forced to give up all that he owned and further converted itRead MoreThe Merchant Of Venice . In The Merchant Of Venice, Written1357 Words   |  6 PagesThe Merchant of Venice In The Merchant of Venice, written by William Shakespeare is a play that only has three female characters. They are Portia, Nerissa, and Jessica. Portia is a woman who was in search of a husband, who her father had to agree with. Unfortunately, Portia s father had passed, so he left a test for Portia s suitors to pass in order for one of them to marry his daughter. These women are not bad women, they are rebellious and brave but they are not bad people. I also foundRead MoreThe Merchant of Venice1028 Words   |  5 PagesSociety tends to define people as being either victims or villains due to the actions, beliefs and decisions present in their lives. In the Merchant of Venice, this separation between those good and evil is existent in the Venetian community, especially for the character of Shylock. Although one may think that Shylock is a victim in this play, as a result of other’s wrong-doing, Shylock is rather a villain because he conspired to kill Antonio through his bond, wished to see his daughter dead forRead More The Merchant of Venice2444 Words   |  10 PagesThe Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice was written in 1598 by William Shakespeare. The story is set in Elizabethan times, which was the sixteenth century. People back then were quite prejudiced towards any race that was not Christian. They would have hated Jews. When Shylock would come onto the stage, the audience would have just booed him back off. The Christians had their reasons for hating the Jews. The fact that they supposedly killed â€Å"Jesus† still angers many people today. ChristiansRead MoreTragedy in The Merchant of Venice1472 Words   |  6 Pagesshows awful decision making. There are typically deaths which arise at the end or near the end of the play. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Reflection Paper On Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - 1163 Words

Theoretical Orientation Paper The first time I realized the impact my thoughts had on my behavior was in middle school. Growing up in a poor family, college was just a dream I wished to achieve. I knew for it to be achievable, I needed to succeed academically. Unfortunately, I did not think I had the skills or abilities to do so. Negative thoughts about my ability to succeed in school haunted me. I was constantly comparing myself to those around me. Knowing only a few people in my family graduated from high school only furthered my negative thoughts. The fear of following my family’s footsteps motivated me to change my thoughts. Instead of focusing on what I did not do well, I directed my thoughts to what I did. The change in my†¦show more content†¦The two earliest forms of CBT were Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Therapy. Albert Ellis developed relational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) and it was considered the first cognitive behavioral therapy. Ellis believed problematic belie fs lead to self-defeating behaviors. He worked with clients to change irrational beliefs to more rational ones by using the ABCD model (Corey, 2017; Wood, Barker, Turner, 2017). During the time REBT was developing, Aaron Beck developed cognitive therapy (CT). He believed negative automatic thoughts and cognitive distortions affected self-schemas. The stream of negative thoughts affected the way individuals viewed themselves, the world, and the future. Beck worked with clients to change their self-schemas and beliefs by using behavioral techniques. As he helped clients identify, evaluate and modify thoughts, clients thought more realistically (Corey, 2017). The last important figure in CBT, Donald Meichenbaum, focused on cognitive behavioral modification by changing clients self-talk. He noticed self-statements affected an individual’s behavior in the same way if the statement was made by another person. He developed cognitive restructuring that taught clients to identify and dispute cognitive distortions. For change to occur, clients learned to modify the instructions they gave themselves. This was done through self-observation, meditation, and coping skills (Corey, 2017). The What CBT isShow MoreRelatedRacism1204 Words   |  5 Pagesreaction to the assigned reading? I really enjoyed this reading in Chapter 9. I related this reading to the work I do in my field practicum as it relates to the cognitive and moral development of human beings and human behaviors. As you already know, I work for Stella Maris, a drug and alcohol treatment facility. We talk a lot about cognitive development and the concerns we have with our clients as it relates to their disease of addiction. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Provides the following Free Essays

A Study Guide, which provides the following: a. An orientation of each chapter, along with an outline of the important topics being addressed. B. We will write a custom essay sample on Provides the following or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sample problems for the student to complete, with the worked-out solutions. C. Self-test questions (true/false and multiple choice) with answers. D. A tutorial on understanding the internal rate of return. E. An In-depth self-teaching supplement on capital-budgeting techniques. 2. Companion Website online study gulled for the student Includes true/false, multiple hooch, and short answer quizzes for each chapter. From my. Prenatal. Com/shown students can also access the Internet exercises, current events articles with questions, and Excel spreadsheets for the end-of-chapter problems. For the teacher: 1. A Test Item File provides more than 1600 multiple-choice, true/false, and short- answer questions with complete and detailed answers. It is designed for use with the Prentice Hall Custom Test, a computerized package that allows users to custom design, save, and generate classroom exams. 2. Companion Website provides academic support for faculty adopting this text. From the www. Prenatal. Com/shown text website, you can download supplements and lecture aids such as instructor’s manuals, lecture notes, Powering presentations, problems and case solutions, and chapter outlines. Register online or call your Prentice Hall sales representative to get the necessary surname and password to access these detail supplements or contact Prentice Hall Sales directly at 3. Powering lecture notes. These Powering graphics provide individual lecture outlines to accompany Foundations of Finance. These lectures are class tested and can be used as is or easily modified to reflect your specific presentation needs. 4. Color transparencies for the primary chapters of the text, including a brief overview of the chapter, some of the exhibits in the text, and example problems that are useful in lectures. 5 Excel spreadsheet solutions to end-of-chapter problems downloaded from www. Prenatal. Com/shown. For any teacher wanting information about the supplements, please contact the Prentice-Hall field representative for your area. Also, feel free to call any of the authors with any questions you may have. By calceolaria e. An in-depth self-teaching supplement on capital-budgeting techniques. 2. Companion Website online study guide for the student includes true/false, multiple choice, and short answer quizzes for each chapter. From www. Prenatal. Com/shown students can also access the internet exercises, current events articles with the necessary surname and password to access these digital supplements or contact Prentice Hall Sales directly at college_sales@prenhall. Com. 3. Powering as is or easily modified to reflect your specific presentation needs. How to cite Provides the following, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Use of Mail Merge and Spreadsheet at Workplace

Question: Describe mail merge? Why and how would the employee use it? i) Define mail merge ii) Explain the speed and accuracy provided through the automation of recipient details, especially in a business context e.g. customers iii) Describe the principle of defining a template document that calls data from an external source e.g. text file, spread-sheet and database. Answer: Introduction Mail merge is an important way of communication of messages in large groups. In business operations the mail merge feature can convert the letters in form of documents suitable for reading as an individual correspondence (Taljaard et al. 2015). Mail merge is useful for saving time and human effort when any particular set of information is conveyed to many people. It helps in producing mass amount of mailings with envelopes and labels. The report is an analysis of the use of mail merge in business operations. Employees and workers can be benefited from the use of mail merge by saving their effort and time. The report would explain the automation process and describe the benefits of the business employees for dealing with the customers. The report has shown the principle and importance of the template document for inputting the data values from the external source. Description of Mail Merge and Its usage Definition of Mail Merge Definition of Mail Merge with Example The mail merge is an important feature of database software, email programs and word processor. The mail merge is a standard form and format consisting of unique fields like email address, phone number, name, and other information for making the message appealing and unique (Shanfeng 2012). It helps in creating the message chain for each person in CSV, database and other source of input. Example- A sample mail merge for a business organization that can be sent to its customers is provided below: __________ (email address of the receiver) Dear _______ (name of the receiver), It has been immense pleasure in doing business with you. We would like to show our gratitude to ________ (name of the customer) and hope you would continue with our services. Sincerely, ABC Ltd. (name of the company) Explanation of the Speed and Accuracy of Automation Recipients in Mail Merge Automation recipients are the feature of mail merge that provides speed of generating huge number of letters simultaneously. Mail merge helps in creating personalized documented letters and envelopes that have been pre-addressed (Lu et al. 2014). These mergers have lots of mailing labels in the form of letter especially in business. The data source is practically a spreadsheet or data base that contains the information in its fields and columns for each of the variable in the provided template which allows the people in any company to transfer information more easily (Olfman et al. 2014). The mail merger system can be processed using word software (Olfman et al. 2014). It creates an output document for every individual row of the database. The data is automatically fixed in the processing document as per provided in the template of the letter (Kraft et al. 2015). The values are substituted with respect to the matching column and template of the document. Accuracy: The datasheet of the recipients for any business has number of clients. The transactions occur on daily basis and considerable amount of communication has to be done. It becomes practically impossible for manually sending message through emails to all the clients (Nicola and Sommerlandt 2013). Even if the emails are sent manually, there is a strong chance of making a mistake while manually entering the recipients name and address. Speed: The transactions occur on daily basis and considerable amount of communication has to be done (Nicola and Sommerlandt 2013). Therefore, the datasheet of the recipients for any business has huge number of clients. Figure 2: Mail merge list in a spreadsheet (Source: Dmcritchie.mvps.org 2016) Description of the Principle of Defining Template Document Managing the template documents It is a powerful tool for the sending and writing the personalized letter and email to many receivers at a time. It can be used for creating the envelopes in the labels for each recipients information (Arsenault et al. 2014). The data is imported from some other resource and it is used for replacing the placeholders in the created message. The principal process for template documentation consists of creation of data source and document or template. The principal fields are defined for the document and the merging is carried out. Principles of the template documents The principles for using the template documents are: Usefulness of Template document- The template documents are very distinct need for the business operations. It is a catalog of polished and professional documents that helps in holding the required high standards of the business communication. Time-Saving- The templates help in saving the time of the business communication. It assists the professional approach in many ways. The readymade template for the business is useful for saving the time that can be delegated in some other activity (Kantor et al. 2012). All the necessary documents are inserted automatically in the template within seconds. The finished template can be shared and sent. Customizable- The templates are unique and customizable in nature. The business entity can customize the template as per their requirements (Ji et al. 2013). The startup template is a well-crafted and professional template that can be personalized by adding some individual touches. Consistence and clarity- The template is very useful for business documents and the major benefit is its consistent nature (Kantor et al. 2012). The template maintained by the business is used for generating multiple documents. All the documents generated are consistent and there are no distinguishable features among them. The template would provide the clear understanding of what is meant by the document to the customers. Use of Mail Merge by Employees The basic use of Mail Merge by the employees is writing and sending a standard form of letter to a large number of shareholders and stakeholders (Van der Linden et al. 2015). It would provide benefit of automatic citation of the name and address and save the manual effort of the employees. Conclusion The report had shown various points for the use of mail merge system. Mail merge is useful for saving time and human effort when any particular set of information is conveyed to many people. The report has shown the principle and importance of the template document for inputting the data values from the external source. Mail Merges are used for generating hundreds of letters simultaneously. The mergers have lots of mailing labels in the form of letter. The data source is practically a spreadsheet or data base that contains the information in its fields and columns for each of the variable in the provided template. It helps in retaining 100% accuracy while sending the mail to an individual sender. Bibliography Bcit.ca. (2016).BCIT : : COMP 0367 - MS Word Styles, Templates and Mail Merge. [online] Available at: https://www.bcit.ca/study/courses/comp0367 [Accessed 26 Jul. 2016]. Dmcritchie.mvps.org. (2016).Mail Merge, Printing Labels using Mail Merge with data from Excel. 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