Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Merchant of Venice - 938 Words

Love and Hate The Merchant of Venice a play written by the famous poet and play writer, William Shakespeare, in the year 1596 - 1598. It is based on both love and hate. Shakespeare demonstrates the themes of love and hate clearly through various character. The friendship love is shown through Antonio towards Bassanio, romantic love is shown through Portia and Bassanio and self love is shown through shylock. However Shakespeare also illustrates hates during the play through the characters shylock and Antonio and shylock and his daughter Jessica. The Merchant of Venice is a play about love, the play mainly revolve around the romantic love of these main characters Portia and Bassanio. As written in the play, Portia was a rich woman†¦show more content†¦Not only she leaves her dad without informing him about it, she also takes most of his money with her, which she truly knows his great love towards being rich. â€Å"Two thousand ducats in that and other precious, precious jewels. I would my daughter were dead at my foot and the jewels in her ear! Would she were hearsed at my foot and the ducats in her coffin!† (3.1,74-86) in these verses all Shylock talks about is that he would prefer that his daughter were to be dead in front of him with the precious jewels and ducats lay with her in coffin than to find out that she has gone with the ducats after a Christian. This shows the great hate that is going on in the play The Merchant of Venice. In conclusions, it is understandable that the Shakespearean play The Merchant of Venice is a play about love and hate. He has accomplishment to apply the love and hate theme, through the various actions and behaviours of the characters that make up the play. As a result the incidents and the characters make the theme of love and hate the backbone of the main plot which they collectively hold the story together. The love is shown through Portia and Bassanio, and another different way of love is shown through Shylock to himself. Hatred is greatly shown through the characters Shylock and Antonio and Jessica and her father Shylock. All these big incidents demonstrate the back bone theme of The Merchant ofShow MoreRelatedThe Merchant of Venice939 Words   |  4 PagesThese are two of Shakespearean antagonists of all time. They are alike in more ways than one. Shylock in Merchant of Venice is a Jewish moneylender based in Venice. He has been tormented and repressed mainly by the Christia n population. One finds it easy to sympathize with him mainly because he has his own reasons to be loathing, greedy, and miserly. This ends up making the entire ‘Merchant of Venice’ bittersweet. This was when Shylock was forced to give up all that he owned and further converted itRead MoreThe Merchant Of Venice . In The Merchant Of Venice, Written1357 Words   |  6 PagesThe Merchant of Venice In The Merchant of Venice, written by William Shakespeare is a play that only has three female characters. They are Portia, Nerissa, and Jessica. Portia is a woman who was in search of a husband, who her father had to agree with. Unfortunately, Portia s father had passed, so he left a test for Portia s suitors to pass in order for one of them to marry his daughter. These women are not bad women, they are rebellious and brave but they are not bad people. I also foundRead MoreThe Merchant of Venice1028 Words   |  5 PagesSociety tends to define people as being either victims or villains due to the actions, beliefs and decisions present in their lives. In the Merchant of Venice, this separation between those good and evil is existent in the Venetian community, especially for the character of Shylock. Although one may think that Shylock is a victim in this play, as a result of other’s wrong-doing, Shylock is rather a villain because he conspired to kill Antonio through his bond, wished to see his daughter dead forRead More The Merchant of Venice2444 Words   |  10 PagesThe Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice was written in 1598 by William Shakespeare. The story is set in Elizabethan times, which was the sixteenth century. People back then were quite prejudiced towards any race that was not Christian. They would have hated Jews. When Shylock would come onto the stage, the audience would have just booed him back off. The Christians had their reasons for hating the Jews. The fact that they supposedly killed â€Å"Jesus† still angers many people today. ChristiansRead MoreTragedy in The Merchant of Venice1472 Words   |  6 Pagesshows awful decision making. There are typically deaths which arise at the end or near the end of the play. The Merchant of Venice can be classified as a tragedy because it contains the rather sinister elements generally found in tragedies and the play Antigone can be considered a tragedy, because of the severe consequences of the storys proceedings. As a tragedy, The Merchant of Venice focuses on the collapse of a Jewish moneylender, Shylock, who exits the stage a wrecked man and is unavoidableRead MoreEssay on merchant of venice1394 Words   |  6 Pages The Merchant of Venice The play,  ¡Ã‚ °The Merchant of Venice ¡Ã‚ ± by William Shakespeare has two main settings. One setting is Venice, a city where many businessmen live, a place, full of unhappy and unkind people. It a world of commercial and law. Shakespeare has portrayed Venice as the  ¡Ã‚ °real ¡Ã‚ ± world. The other setting is Belmont, a city which houses a rich, happy society of beautiful people. Belmont is a fairy-tale world of music and love. In this play, it is evident that, good things happen in BelmontRead MoreThe Merchant Of Venice As A Tragedy1363 Words   |  6 PagesThe Merchant of Venice is a tragedy Jean Racine, a French dramatist of the 17th century France, states, â€Å"Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel† (Goodreads). In the early days of its staging, the play The Merchant of Venice written by William Shakespeare is considered to be a comedy, but as the world develops there is controversy as whether to believe that the play is actually a tragedy. The play is centered on two main plots: the bond plot and the casket plot. The bondRead MorePortia, The Merchant Of Venice1514 Words   |  7 PagesPortia, The Merchant of Venice Do you agree that Portia is a memorable character in the play The Merchant of Venice? In the play The Merchant of Venice, there are many female characters who face injustice alone in society. Portia as many seemingly paradoxical identities. This makes her a memorable character in the play The Merchant of Venice. She has represented being dutiful towards her father, being an innocent young woman, a ‘mortal-breathing saint’ who posses ‘god-like amity’, a hard headedRead MoreMerchant of Venice Essay980 Words   |  4 PagesEnglish essay In Shakespeare’s play the merchant of Venice the audience learns about love in many forms. Through the characters, of Portia and Bassanio, Shylock and his love for money over his daughter and Antonio and Bassanio. The audience learns through Portia that true love always triumphs. From shylock we learn that money isn’t everything it seems to be and that you should treasure your family more than money. Through the friendship of Antonio and Bassanio we learn about the love of one friendRead MoreEssay on Merchant of Venice1335 Words   |  6 Pages Mercy v. Justice – Old Testament v. New Testament While the conflict between justice and mercy plays a key role in determining the outcome of The Merchant of Venice, this conflict is even more important because it provides a setting for the contrast between the rigid law and rules of the Old Testament and the concepts of mercy and forgiveness as taught by Christ in the New Testament. It is in the climactic trial scene that The Duke, hoping Shylock will excuse Antonios penalty, asks him, â€Å"How shall

Monday, December 23, 2019

Reflection Paper On Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - 1163 Words

Theoretical Orientation Paper The first time I realized the impact my thoughts had on my behavior was in middle school. Growing up in a poor family, college was just a dream I wished to achieve. I knew for it to be achievable, I needed to succeed academically. Unfortunately, I did not think I had the skills or abilities to do so. Negative thoughts about my ability to succeed in school haunted me. I was constantly comparing myself to those around me. Knowing only a few people in my family graduated from high school only furthered my negative thoughts. The fear of following my family’s footsteps motivated me to change my thoughts. Instead of focusing on what I did not do well, I directed my thoughts to what I did. The change in my†¦show more content†¦The two earliest forms of CBT were Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Therapy. Albert Ellis developed relational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) and it was considered the first cognitive behavioral therapy. Ellis believed problematic belie fs lead to self-defeating behaviors. He worked with clients to change irrational beliefs to more rational ones by using the ABCD model (Corey, 2017; Wood, Barker, Turner, 2017). During the time REBT was developing, Aaron Beck developed cognitive therapy (CT). He believed negative automatic thoughts and cognitive distortions affected self-schemas. The stream of negative thoughts affected the way individuals viewed themselves, the world, and the future. Beck worked with clients to change their self-schemas and beliefs by using behavioral techniques. As he helped clients identify, evaluate and modify thoughts, clients thought more realistically (Corey, 2017). The last important figure in CBT, Donald Meichenbaum, focused on cognitive behavioral modification by changing clients self-talk. He noticed self-statements affected an individual’s behavior in the same way if the statement was made by another person. He developed cognitive restructuring that taught clients to identify and dispute cognitive distortions. For change to occur, clients learned to modify the instructions they gave themselves. This was done through self-observation, meditation, and coping skills (Corey, 2017). The What CBT isShow MoreRelatedRacism1204 Words   |  5 Pagesreaction to the assigned reading? I really enjoyed this reading in Chapter 9. I related this reading to the work I do in my field practicum as it relates to the cognitive and moral development of human beings and human behaviors. As you already know, I work for Stella Maris, a drug and alcohol treatment facility. We talk a lot about cognitive development and the concerns we have with our clients as it relates to their disease of addiction. 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Using theoretical frameworks and specific counseling skills, can be powerfully effective to change a person’s thought process. This paper also describes how Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT) and specific micro skills will help this client. Rational-Emotive Behavioral (REBT) is also described as an extension to CBT. In addition to CBT, Existential therapy is also explored inRead MoreReflection Paper On Anxiety And Anxiety Disorders Essay1508 Words   |  7 Pagesfocusing on in this Reflection Paper is Anxiety and Panic Disorders, with relation to Specific and Social Phobias. I have dealt with minor forms of anxiety throughout my life, but it only became a problem after a specific life event, which lead to months of coping strategies, intense anxiety levels, stress and eventually a solution. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Provides the following Free Essays

A Study Guide, which provides the following: a. An orientation of each chapter, along with an outline of the important topics being addressed. B. We will write a custom essay sample on Provides the following or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sample problems for the student to complete, with the worked-out solutions. C. Self-test questions (true/false and multiple choice) with answers. D. A tutorial on understanding the internal rate of return. E. An In-depth self-teaching supplement on capital-budgeting techniques. 2. Companion Website online study gulled for the student Includes true/false, multiple hooch, and short answer quizzes for each chapter. From my. Prenatal. Com/shown students can also access the Internet exercises, current events articles with questions, and Excel spreadsheets for the end-of-chapter problems. For the teacher: 1. A Test Item File provides more than 1600 multiple-choice, true/false, and short- answer questions with complete and detailed answers. It is designed for use with the Prentice Hall Custom Test, a computerized package that allows users to custom design, save, and generate classroom exams. 2. Companion Website provides academic support for faculty adopting this text. From the www. Prenatal. Com/shown text website, you can download supplements and lecture aids such as instructor’s manuals, lecture notes, Powering presentations, problems and case solutions, and chapter outlines. Register online or call your Prentice Hall sales representative to get the necessary surname and password to access these detail supplements or contact Prentice Hall Sales directly at 3. Powering lecture notes. These Powering graphics provide individual lecture outlines to accompany Foundations of Finance. These lectures are class tested and can be used as is or easily modified to reflect your specific presentation needs. 4. Color transparencies for the primary chapters of the text, including a brief overview of the chapter, some of the exhibits in the text, and example problems that are useful in lectures. 5 Excel spreadsheet solutions to end-of-chapter problems downloaded from www. Prenatal. Com/shown. For any teacher wanting information about the supplements, please contact the Prentice-Hall field representative for your area. Also, feel free to call any of the authors with any questions you may have. By calceolaria e. An in-depth self-teaching supplement on capital-budgeting techniques. 2. Companion Website online study guide for the student includes true/false, multiple choice, and short answer quizzes for each chapter. From www. Prenatal. Com/shown students can also access the internet exercises, current events articles with the necessary surname and password to access these digital supplements or contact Prentice Hall Sales directly at college_sales@prenhall. Com. 3. Powering as is or easily modified to reflect your specific presentation needs. How to cite Provides the following, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Use of Mail Merge and Spreadsheet at Workplace

Question: Describe mail merge? Why and how would the employee use it? i) Define mail merge ii) Explain the speed and accuracy provided through the automation of recipient details, especially in a business context e.g. customers iii) Describe the principle of defining a template document that calls data from an external source e.g. text file, spread-sheet and database. Answer: Introduction Mail merge is an important way of communication of messages in large groups. In business operations the mail merge feature can convert the letters in form of documents suitable for reading as an individual correspondence (Taljaard et al. 2015). Mail merge is useful for saving time and human effort when any particular set of information is conveyed to many people. It helps in producing mass amount of mailings with envelopes and labels. The report is an analysis of the use of mail merge in business operations. Employees and workers can be benefited from the use of mail merge by saving their effort and time. The report would explain the automation process and describe the benefits of the business employees for dealing with the customers. The report has shown the principle and importance of the template document for inputting the data values from the external source. Description of Mail Merge and Its usage Definition of Mail Merge Definition of Mail Merge with Example The mail merge is an important feature of database software, email programs and word processor. The mail merge is a standard form and format consisting of unique fields like email address, phone number, name, and other information for making the message appealing and unique (Shanfeng 2012). It helps in creating the message chain for each person in CSV, database and other source of input. Example- A sample mail merge for a business organization that can be sent to its customers is provided below: __________ (email address of the receiver) Dear _______ (name of the receiver), It has been immense pleasure in doing business with you. We would like to show our gratitude to ________ (name of the customer) and hope you would continue with our services. Sincerely, ABC Ltd. (name of the company) Explanation of the Speed and Accuracy of Automation Recipients in Mail Merge Automation recipients are the feature of mail merge that provides speed of generating huge number of letters simultaneously. Mail merge helps in creating personalized documented letters and envelopes that have been pre-addressed (Lu et al. 2014). These mergers have lots of mailing labels in the form of letter especially in business. The data source is practically a spreadsheet or data base that contains the information in its fields and columns for each of the variable in the provided template which allows the people in any company to transfer information more easily (Olfman et al. 2014). The mail merger system can be processed using word software (Olfman et al. 2014). It creates an output document for every individual row of the database. The data is automatically fixed in the processing document as per provided in the template of the letter (Kraft et al. 2015). The values are substituted with respect to the matching column and template of the document. Accuracy: The datasheet of the recipients for any business has number of clients. The transactions occur on daily basis and considerable amount of communication has to be done. It becomes practically impossible for manually sending message through emails to all the clients (Nicola and Sommerlandt 2013). Even if the emails are sent manually, there is a strong chance of making a mistake while manually entering the recipients name and address. Speed: The transactions occur on daily basis and considerable amount of communication has to be done (Nicola and Sommerlandt 2013). Therefore, the datasheet of the recipients for any business has huge number of clients. Figure 2: Mail merge list in a spreadsheet (Source: Dmcritchie.mvps.org 2016) Description of the Principle of Defining Template Document Managing the template documents It is a powerful tool for the sending and writing the personalized letter and email to many receivers at a time. It can be used for creating the envelopes in the labels for each recipients information (Arsenault et al. 2014). The data is imported from some other resource and it is used for replacing the placeholders in the created message. The principal process for template documentation consists of creation of data source and document or template. The principal fields are defined for the document and the merging is carried out. Principles of the template documents The principles for using the template documents are: Usefulness of Template document- The template documents are very distinct need for the business operations. It is a catalog of polished and professional documents that helps in holding the required high standards of the business communication. Time-Saving- The templates help in saving the time of the business communication. It assists the professional approach in many ways. The readymade template for the business is useful for saving the time that can be delegated in some other activity (Kantor et al. 2012). All the necessary documents are inserted automatically in the template within seconds. The finished template can be shared and sent. Customizable- The templates are unique and customizable in nature. The business entity can customize the template as per their requirements (Ji et al. 2013). The startup template is a well-crafted and professional template that can be personalized by adding some individual touches. Consistence and clarity- The template is very useful for business documents and the major benefit is its consistent nature (Kantor et al. 2012). The template maintained by the business is used for generating multiple documents. All the documents generated are consistent and there are no distinguishable features among them. The template would provide the clear understanding of what is meant by the document to the customers. Use of Mail Merge by Employees The basic use of Mail Merge by the employees is writing and sending a standard form of letter to a large number of shareholders and stakeholders (Van der Linden et al. 2015). It would provide benefit of automatic citation of the name and address and save the manual effort of the employees. Conclusion The report had shown various points for the use of mail merge system. Mail merge is useful for saving time and human effort when any particular set of information is conveyed to many people. The report has shown the principle and importance of the template document for inputting the data values from the external source. Mail Merges are used for generating hundreds of letters simultaneously. The mergers have lots of mailing labels in the form of letter. The data source is practically a spreadsheet or data base that contains the information in its fields and columns for each of the variable in the provided template. It helps in retaining 100% accuracy while sending the mail to an individual sender. Bibliography Bcit.ca. (2016).BCIT : : COMP 0367 - MS Word Styles, Templates and Mail Merge. [online] Available at: https://www.bcit.ca/study/courses/comp0367 [Accessed 26 Jul. 2016]. Dmcritchie.mvps.org. (2016).Mail Merge, Printing Labels using Mail Merge with data from Excel. [online] Available at: https://dmcritchie.mvps.org/excel/mailmerg.htm [Accessed 26 Jul. 2016]. Ji, H., Favre, B., Lin, W.P., Gillick, D., Hakkani-Tur, D. and Grishman, R., 2013. Open-domain Multi-Document summarization via information extraction: Challenges and prospects. InMulti-source, Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization(pp. 177-201). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Kantor, A., Antebi, L., Kirsch, Y. and Bialik, U., Check Point Software Technologies Ltd, 2012.Methods for document-to-template matching for data-leak prevention. U.S. Patent 8,254,698. Kraft, E.B. and Milnes, J.T., EnterCalo, Inc., 2015.Business content authoring and distribution. U.S. Patent 9,141,393. Lu, M.J., Martinez, E.A. and Ranjan, S., Microsoft Corporation, 2014.Mail merge integration techniques. U.S. Patent 8,661,342. Mancini, J. (2016).5 Myths Regarding Document Automation. [online] Info.aiim.org. Available at: https://info.aiim.org/digital-landfill/newaiimo/2011/12/20/5-myths-regarding-document-automation [Accessed 26 Jul. 2016]. Msdn.microsoft.com. (2016).Different Ways to Take Advantage of the E-mail Features of Excel. [online] Available at: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa203718(v=office.11).aspx [Accessed 26 Jul. 2016]. Nicola, M. and Sommerlandt, M., International Business Machines Corporation, 2013.Document Merge Based on Knowledge of Document Schema. U.S. Patent Application 13/940,646. Olfman, L.O.R.N.E., Bostrom, R.P. and Sein, M.K., 2014. Developing training strategies with an HCI perspective.Human-Computer Interaction and Management Information Systems: Applications. Advances in Management Information Systems, p.258. Patil, N.V., 2014. Pettern Authoring: Web Service Oriented Architecture. Shanfeng, Z., 2012. Word Mail Merge Functionto Print Fixed Format Diploma with Mulipart Forms [J].Office Informatization,20, p.025. Support.microsoft.com. (2016). [online] Available at: https://support.microsoft.com/en-in/kb/301656 [Accessed 26 Jul. 2016]. Taljaard, M., Chaudhry, S.H., Brehaut, J.C., Weijer, C. and Grimshaw, J.M., 2015. Mail merge can be used to create personalized questionnaires in complex surveys.BMC research notes,8(1), p.1. Van der Linden, S., Faber, S., Halstead, M. and Altberg, E., Yellowpages. Com Llc, 2015.System and method to merge pay-for-performance advertising models. U.S. Patent 9,202,219.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Simens Case Study Essay Example

Simens Case Study Essay Motivation within a creative environment A Siemens case study http://businesscasestudies. co. uk/siemens/motivation-within-a-creative-environment/introduction. html#axzz2OdbuuXae 3 theories: Frederick Taylor’s Scientific Management Theory Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory (Satisfiers and dissatisfiers)This case study focuses upon three different theories of motivation which include Frederick Taylor’s Scientific Management Theory, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory and Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory (Satisfiers and dissatisfiers) and uses these to illustrate how employees are motivated within an engineering environment at Siemens. Maslows hierarchy of needs was first articulated in 1943 by Abraham Maslow which is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid with the largest, most fundamental levels of needs at the bottom and the need for self-actualization at the top.With reference to the Siemens’ case study, it can be seem that the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can be used for recognition and developing people. One important element for self-esteem is recognition of accomplishments. Whenever you are recognized and praised for any accomplishment by someone whose opinion you hold in high regard, the self-esteem goes up, along with eagerness and enthusiasm to do even better on the job. Therefore, siemens runs schemes in which suggestions and projects for improvements are rewarded.Self-actualization is to develop or achieve employee’s full potential during working so that to make the ideal-self equals to actual-self. We will write a custom essay sample on Simens Case Study specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Simens Case Study specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Simens Case Study specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Self-actualization leads to better work and peak performance. For example, engineering staff training helps engineers to extend their capabilities which may lead to a progression up the career ladder as well as to meet the changing demands of the business global markets. * Frederick Herzberg proposed Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory in 1950s.It states that there are certain factors in the workplace that causes job satisfaction, while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction. * The first factor is Motivators that give positive satisfaction, arising from intrinsic conditions of the job itself and stimulate better performance such as * recognition of achievements, opportunities for growth and development. * Hygiene factors means the employee would be dissatisfied with the absent of * the factors.These are extrinsic to the work itself, and include aspects such as * salary, working conditions, company policies and interpersonal relations. It can be concluded from Herzberg’s theory that it is important for managers to achieve the balance of hygiene factors and motivators factors to stimulate higher levels of performance of employees. With reference to the Siemens case, Siemens strengthening motivations by raising awareness of issues with employees and encourage their involvement to reduce dissatisfactions as well as creative environment of the engineering industry creates recognition and growth.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Formal Introductions in Japanese

Formal Introductions in Japanese Japan is a country whose culture stresses ritual and formality.  Proper etiquette is expected in business, for example, and even  saying​ hello  has a set of strict rules.  Japanese culture is steeped in honorific traditions and hierarchies depending on a persons age, social status, and relation. Even husbands and wives use honorifics when speaking to each other. Learning how to make formal introductions in Japanese is vital if you plan to visit the country, do business there, or even take part in ceremonies such as weddings. Something as seemingly innocuous as  saying hello at a party  comes with a strict set of social rules. The tables below can help ease you through this process. Each table includes the transliteration of the introductory word or phrase on the left, with the word or words written in Japanese letters underneath. (Japanese letters are generally written in  hiragana, which is the more widely used portion of the Japanese kana, or syllabary, having characters that are cursive.) The English translation is on the right. Formal Introductions In Japanese, there are several levels of formality. The expression, nice to meet you, is spoken very differently depending on the social status of the recipient. Note that those of a higher social status requires a longer greeting. Greetings also become shorter as the formality decreases. The table below shows how to deliver this phrase in Japanese, depending on the level of formality and/or the status of the person you are greeting. Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu. Very formal expressionUsed to a higher Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. To a higher Douzo yoroshiku. To an equal Yoroshiku. To a lower Honorific O or Go As in English,  an  honorific  is a conventional word, title, or  grammatical  form that signals respect, politeness, or social deference. An honorific is also known as a  courtesy title  or an  address term. In Japanese,  the honorific o 㠁ŠÂ  or go 㠁” can be attached to the front of some nouns as a formal way of saying your. It is very polite.   o-kuni someone elses country o-namae someone elses name o-shigoto someone elses job go-senmon someone elses field of study There are some cases where o or go does not mean your. In these cases, the honorific o makes the word more polite. You might expect that tea, which is very important in Japan, would require an honorific o. But, even something as mundane as a toilet requires the honorific o as the table below illustrates. o-cha tea (Japanese tea) o-tearai toilet Addressing People The title san- meaning Mr., Mrs., or Miss- is used for both male and female names, followed by either the family name or the given name. It is a respectful title, so you cannot attach it your own name or to the name of one of your family members. For example, if a persons family name is  Yamada,  you would great him as  Yamada-san, which would be the equivalent of saying, Mr. Yamada. If a young, single womans name is Yoko, you would address her as  Yoko-san, which translates into English as Miss Yoko.

Friday, November 22, 2019

USA responsibility for fostering the growth and development of the EEC Article

USA responsibility for fostering the growth and development of the EEC - Article Example In addition, they believed that an integrated Europe could play a greater political role in the world. The economic gains to be derived from European integration were recognized long before the postwar era, but post-World War II developments made them greater and more visible. The benefits come from expanding the size of the market open to producers. They are thus able to obtain the economies of scale resulting from mass production and specialization, and the economy as a whole can gain from the effects of greater competition. The advantages of integration assumed greater importance in the 1950's because technological developments that occurred during and after the war increased the size of the market necessary to support efficient industry. Competition from large U.S. business firms seemed insurmountable to European firms faced with small, fragmented markets and equipped with obsolete machinery. Larger markets and protection from the competition of U.S. products were thought necessary to sustain rapid European growth. Both could be obtained through economic integration. The political gains from integration seemed at the time to be even more important than the economic ones. The destructive war in Europe was not followed by peace but by cold war. Under Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union threatened the very existence of European governments. Germany was divided and faced a powerful Russian army on its frontier. Italy and France both experienced great uncertainties from having large Communist minorities within their borders. In this situation, only the military power of the United States maintained security. But the Europeans felt that they had to make an important contribution to their own defense, both to avoid being totally dependent on the United States, and to prepare for the day when U.S military forces would be removed from European soil. Integration through supranational institutions was thought to be both a means of ensuring efficient expenditure of the resources Europeans felt they could devote to security, and a way of downgrading independent m ilitary establishments. In Germany, particularly, integration was viewed as a means of providing sufficient strength in the West to convince the Soviet Union that nothing could be gained from a continued division of Germany, in the hope that reunification would eventually be permitted. Conflicts over the goals of European unity and over the degree of supranationality of its institutions have marked the European movement during the postwar period. Indeed, the most far-reaching attempts to institutionalize unity through the European Defense Community (EDC) and the companion European Political Community (EPC) foundered on issues directly related to these conflicts. In order to circumvent this problem, the promoters of the "European idea" decided to concentrate their efforts on economic integration. European governments ( France in particular) could enter into agreements in the economic sphere, as demonstrated by the formation and continued existence of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), but were not prepared to accept a direct attack on national sovereignty, as shown by the defeat of the EDC proposal. Thus, the Rome Treaty establishing the EEC is devoid of provisions for political integration. (Nugent, 2006) However, political motives were paramount, and th e ultimate objective of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Mycenaean Civilization Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Mycenaean Civilization - Term Paper Example This work talks about the Mycenaeans, who were known as a â€Å"warrior culture†. Although the Mycenaean civilization began in 1550 BC, the occupation of Achaeans or Mycenaeans of many areas of the Greek peninsula, especially the coastal areas, started in 2000 BC. The Mycenaean civilization was the Late Helladic civilization in 1550 BC, but after the volcanic eruption at Thera in 1500 BC, the Mycenaean civilization at Knossos began in 1450 BC. This was followed by the destruction of Knossos in 1380 BC but a revival, development and perfection of Mycenaean architecture in 1350 until 1250 BC. During the revival of architecture, the Mycenaeans became â€Å"wealthy and powerful† and became â€Å"the most powerful group in the Aegean world† . It was also around this time that the Mycenaeans invaded the Minoan civilization and conquered Troy. However, the fall of Mycenaean civilization occurred in 1200 BC and was marked by the destruction of several Mycenaean sites and was finally concluded in 1184 BC by the destruction of Troy. The paper also talks about the decline of the Mycenaean civilization. There were several theories as to the cause of its fall. The most probable explanation, however, was the invasion of another nation known as the â€Å"Dorians,† and such invasion caused the Mycenaean civilization to fall into the â€Å"dark age†. This was, however, opposed by other historians who said that the destruction of the Mycenaean civilization did not happen until 100 years after the Dorian invasion.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Department of Defense as an Organization Research Paper

The Department of Defense as an Organization - Research Paper Example (Fox 4). This paper discusses on the organizing functions of a big organization which is the Department of Defense (DoD) in terms of its human resources, knowledge and technology. It is a good measure of the organization's ability when viewed in this perspective especially at a time when there is a dearth of resources available due to budgetary constraints. Efficiency and effectiveness are good criteria by which to judge the leadership of the DoD in these areas. Discussion It is no small challenge to manage an organization the size of the DoD which is also charged with keeping the security of the nation as well as its allies internationally through the many defense pacts it signs with them. The Department of Defense controls the United States armed force services (army, air force, navy and marines) through its chairman, the joint chiefs of staff. The designated DoD secretary is the chief policy adviser to the president in terms of execution of approved policies of the administration. In the exercise of its mandated duties or responsibilities, the DoD must likewise make full wise of the resources made available to it to carry out its mission of protecting the country and deterrence of war (DoD 1). Human Resources – the DoD is the oldest and also the largest of all departments in the United States government. With some 1.4 million men and women in uniform (active duty and another 1.1 million people in the National Guard and Reserve forces), it also manages the pension, retirement and other benefits for the estimated 2 million retirees and their families. In addition, the DoD also employs approximately 718,000 civilian personnel. This paper is more concerned and focuses on how the DoD exercises its organizing function with these civilians. The DoD manages and organizes its large civilian employees primarily through its Civilian Personnel Management Service or CPMS. It is considered as the â€Å"center of excellence† for its civilian human resources t o create and sustain a diverse, high-performing and flexible civilian workforce, a model of excellence in the entire Federal government bureaucracy (CPMS 1). The CPMS is charged with the overall strategic policy planning and oversight of the department's civilian employees' plans, policies, and programs of its employees worldwide. It is headed by the deputy assistant secretary for civilian personnel policy. Its mandate includes talent acquisition, development and sustainment of excellence through its various programs such as strategic workforce planning, career and succession planning, leader development and senior executive leadership programs including the Civilian Expeditionary Workforce (CEW). In line with cost-cutting initiatives, DoD has implemented its Emergency-Essential policy classifying the retention of employees in civilian positions only when that position has been designated as E-E before crisis situations and secondly, if the civilian position is deemed necessary to s upport combat-essential systems. This allows for flexibility to remove civilian employees to reduce payroll but still maintain effectiveness in the face of continued threats (AS-DOD 1). The second important direction the DoD has taken is in joining the outsourcing bandwagon by hiring contractors and sub-contractors to perform jobs previously done by the military personnel; this policy covers foreign host-country and third-country

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Risk Management for Dementia Patient

Risk Management for Dementia Patient Company name:   SMART CARE  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Client Name: Mrs   Susan Smith  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Date of risk assessment:   22/2/17 What are the  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   hazards? Who might be harmed and how? What are you already doing? Do you need to do anything else to control this risk? Action by whom? Action by when? Review date Spillages Leaving objects in the walk ways The Dementia clients have mobility problems and may be injured if they trip over objects or slip on spillages. General good housekeeping is carried out. All areas well lit, including stairs. No trailing leads or cables. Staff keeps work areas clear, eg no boxes left in walkways, deliveries stored immediately. Better housekeeping in staff kitchen Needed, e.g. on spills. Arrange for loose carpet tile on second floor to be repaired /replaced. All staff, supervisor to monitor Manager 22/2/17 24/7/17 Impaired mobility Clients with mobility problems need assistance to go to and from treatments, if they don`t get assistance they will be stuck and would not benefit from treatment. Workers that assist clients risk back injuries if they don`t have aids helping them to carry out appropriate lifting and moving the clients. Clients with Dementia and mobility problems can face difficulties in getting in and out from the bed without help and this can make them feel isolated and powerless. Provide step free access like ramps and lifts. Beds that have remote control assistance which helps clients and workers to ensure safe transfers. Have two staff to lift someone from the bed to avoid back strains. Walking sticks and wheelchairs are provided. All beds have bed rails. Maintenance is carried out every three months to ensure rails are properly fitted. Magnetic (automatic) doors for easy access. Clean and smooth flooring. Keep hallways clear without obstructions. Hoists for safe and effective handling and movements of clients Grab rails in bathrooms and corridors Non slip carpets and tiles Report any malfunction in the beds straight away and remove that bed from use. Managers All   staff Cleaners Visitors Contractors Maintenance 31/03/2017 30/06/2017 Memory loss and confusion Clients with Dementia and Parkinson should be kept in safe and familiar environment because if they are in a crowed environment it causes them anxiety, distress and vulnerability. They may wander off and forget how to get back and may be subject to physical and emotional abuse. They may not be able to manage their finance and are subject to financial abuse They may not remember their relatives what means imposters may take advantage of that. Key workers are provided for a sense of familiarity. Maintain the same routine and avoid unnecessary changes. Doors have safety locks. Reception and corridors have CCTV cameras which is accessible to the receptionist. Offering outside activities with the key person. Offer assisting aid device in case of emergencies. Use facial and fingerprint recognition system for close relatives. Offer the assistance of a lawyer to help with advice in regards to finance. Keep pictures of the family members to avoid strangers take advantage of them. All staff Managers Participating organizations 15/03/2017 15/06/2017 Medication All clients in the care home that are on medication, nurses and doctors. If the wrong medication is prescribed than the client can die. The professionals can lose their rights to practice or be sanctioned. Clients with dementia may forget to take their medication or overdose themselves. All clients have medical files checked at admission. All medication is given only according to doctors recommendation. Control medication is signed by two nurses to avoid mistakes. Have a doctor available in the care home. Keep medication in a restricted area. Use of automated medication dispensers will help avoid overdose. Managers Nurses Cares 01/08/2017 01/02/2018 Nutrition All clients in the care home need to be provided with proper food and drinks. If they do not get the proper nutrition they can become sick or even die of starvation and dehydration. Provide a variety of food that are health and nutritious three times a day + two snacks. Water is available all the time. Allow certain clients chose their meal times and arrange for someone to be available to cater for them. Managers All staff 01/03/2017 01/06/2017 Personal Hygiene All clients, staff and visitors are affected if personal hygiene is not maintained because diseases can spread and a lot of people can get sick. Clients with dementia may neglect their personal hygiene because of the confusion and memory loss. Provide cleaning facilities like shower rooms, cleaning products like soap, shampoo and sterilizer gel. Provide PPE equipment for staff like gloves. Change bed linen every day. Provide better quality cleaning products. Ensure more checks on clients are done trough out the day. Managers All staff Clients 31/03/2017 01/07/2017 Violence/Aggression Clients, family and staff could face serious injures if they come in contact with a very aggressive client. Keep clients that have aggressive behavior separated from the rest of the clients and we offer them treatment and a key person that looks after them. Report and record changes on a daily basis to avoid separation on long term. Increase level of support, by employing more staff that can help the aggressive clients. Increasing the activities to stimulate changes in their behavior. All staff Managers Professionals 01/07/2017 01/02/2018 Laundry services The service user and care staff. If the service user`s beds and clothes are not being changed often enough because of incontinence clients can develop rashes and different kinds of illnesses. Staff can be contaminated with diseases if they do not manipulate the soiled laundry in a proper manner. Staff is provided with the correct PPE when providing care for the service user. Bedding is changed as soon as they are soiled and washed as soon as possible at a high temperature to avoid contamination. Water proof sheets are placed under the client to prevent linen getting soiled. Purchase of industrial washing machines would ensure the bedding is washed faster and the cleanliness would be better. All Staff Clients Managers 31/12/17 01/06/18

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Book of Acts Essay -- the birth of the church

The Book of Acts The book of Acts is known as 'the birth of the church'. Acts recounts the story of the early church from the time of Jesus' ascension to Paul's arrival as a prisoner in Rome. Acts was written by the author of Luke's gospel, Luke. Although the author does not name himself, evidence from the book itself proves that the author was Luke. Luke was a physician. Scriptural evidence of this includes Colossians 4:14: "Our dear friend Luke, the doctor, and Demas send greetings." Luke often used medical language. For instance, he finds the sailors bandaging the ship in Acts 27:17: "When the men had hoisted in aboard, they passed ropes under the ship itself to hold it together. Fearing that they would run aground on the sandbar of Syrtis, they lowered the sea anchor and let the ship be driven alone." These two verses along with others in the scripture prove that Luke was a doctor. Some even think that Luke was the first medical missionary. Luke was often a traveling companion of Paul. Luke served as a personal comfort to Paul. Luke appears to travel very often, and he is very familiar with nautical terms. This is supported in Acts 16:10-12: " (10) After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them. (11) From Troas we put out to sea and sailed straight for Samothrace, and the next day on to Neopolis. (12) From there we traveled to Phillipi, a Roman colony and the leading city of that district of Macedonia. And we stayed there several days." Because it is written that Luke was a doctor, and that he and Paul were called by God to preach the gospel, it is evident that Luke was a medical missionary. ... ... always preached to the Jews first (13:5), and turned to the gentiles only after his fellow Jews had rejected him. "And when they were at Salamis, they preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews: and they had also John to their minister." The book of Acts is very important because of its explanation of the birth of the church. The authorship of the book may not be listed in the book, but after reading Acts and comparing it to Luke's first account, it is obvious that he is the author. Luke's gives much insight to the beginning of the church. A better understanding of where the church began and where it has progressed to can be gained after thoroughly reading the book. Bibliography: http://www.stpetersnottingham.org/bible/acts.htm Acts: The Birth of the Church, Blaiklock, New Jersey, 1980 The Holy Bible bibletutor.luthersem.edu

Monday, November 11, 2019

Western Countries Influence on China in the 19th Century

For quite a long period of time, China has had the largest economy in the world. Concepts such as use of money and development of merchant class were introduced by the ancient China. The Chinese exhibited a false sense of superiority as they believed that they had nothing to gain by trading with other countries. The country was locked to external trade and it was not until after the Opium War that the country was forcefully opened to the world, which carried both positive and negative effects (Rawski, Para. 2). In the time of cold war, the literature which talked about China’s development focused on two major issues, one was that the involvement in international trade was less likely to be helpful in search of economic development for poor countries. The second was that the culture and social structure of China was a great impediment to its development. It was believed that substantial development in the country would only arise after major and dramatic changes were carried out to the social structure and individual behavior (Overholt. 22). According to Rawski (Para. ), the 19th century was in the Qing Period of the Canton trade and the balance of payment was in favor of Chinese as the silver flowed into the country. It was at this period that the British discovered a favorable market for opium in China as it shipped opium from India. This new discovery made the silver flow to reverse as outflow of silver increased. The balance of payment was no longer favorable as the trend decrease d money supply in the economy. The resultant effect was a downward pressure on general prices of goods and services that led to economic problems. The Qing court wanted to stop the outflow of silver and Commissioner Lin was sent to Canton in the efforts to stop the trade of opium. He confiscated property that belonged to the British traders and destroyed this business. When the traders complained to their government, the British government responded with military pressure which led to the opium war and unequal treaties system. The British soldiers easily outgunned the Qing forces as they had superior weapons. The Qing then surrendered in the year 1842 and the treaty of Nanking was signed. It allowed unrestricted European access to Chinese ports and the island of Hong Kong was ceded to Great Britain. During the war, farm areas were destroyed, and millions of lives were lost that made China’s income to fall. Another war that emerged between the British and the Chinese led to grievous losses and British warships obtained unlimited access to all rivers in China provided they were navigable. All official Chinese documents were to be written in English (U. S. Department of State, Para. 10a). The system of unequal treaties had economic impact on China and it also infringed on their political sovereignty. It led to the imposition of a free trade regime that allowed unlimited trade in all goods and services which eventually was obliged to allow foreign investment and foreign trade as well. The fact that China was large and far from the coast, was a reason that the foreign trade was not a large component of the economy. However, with the coming of new technology which involved rail road and telegraph, the Chinese were eager to utilize these opportunities. New commodities were thus adopted and organizational innovations implemented. In 1860s, the Qing dynasty initiated several institutional reforms in order to deal with the problem of modernization (Gibson 59). The Chinese had a vague concept of European countries and it was not until the opium war that they tried to understand the west in form of their ideologies, social and political structures. Technology was thus introduced into the country as much as democracy and capitalism were recognized by the citizens. They realized that by being locked to other countries, they were left ignorant of significant concepts and ideologies from other countries. The need to conquer the west made them interested in understanding the west in form of their economic structures and political structures. It was certain that the defeat in the opium war was due to the better technology; lethal western weapons, and strong ships. It was then that reform was underway in China (Beeching 47). Economic Reforms In the early 19th century, China was completely closed and isolated itself from other countries in the world. Foreign trade was limited in the city of Canton and it was not until the opium war that led to the signing of Nanjing treaty, that China’s ports were opened and western merchants found their way into the Chinese market. The effect on Chinese economy was significant as they had least expected it. The effect of opening up of China did not have just the negative effects but it also had good and positive effects on the economy and social relationships which existed in the people of Qing Dynasty. Among the negative effects that we shall look in details are internal struggles, increase in the rate of crime, economic downfall in the city of Canton and the increase in the economic welfare at the cities of Shanghai and Hong Kong (Chesneaux, Marianne & Maie-Claire 7). Chinese local industries were affected by cheaper western machine made products. This created so much pressure on the local industries as they had to adapt and reform in order to compete with the western merchants. The defeat of China in the opium war was enough to convince the Chinese that they were no longer the ‘Heavenly Middle Kingdom’ that they always thought they were. They were thus awakened and exposed to the reality of progress (Gibson 32). Chinese were used to being self reliant as they had a self sufficient domestic trade. This was occasioned to a large extent by the fact that it has an immense home trade. It has a vast land that their internal trade is sufficient to perform commercial operations. In opening up, China was able to compare itself with other nations internationally and thus realized that it was no longer on top of the world. Chinese thus developed a sense of purpose and a desire to improve their economy; it was a period of awakening the giant (Chesneaux, Marianne & Maie-Claire 53). Various economic repercussions were obtained after the opening of China. The flourishing of foreign trade was evident as China increased its export from 7. 5 million kilograms of tea in 1843 to 42 million kilograms in 1855. The export of silk also increased significantly. The demand of tea and silk led to the expansion of tea and silk producing regions as they greatly benefited from foreign trade. Another economic effect was a monetary crisis which resulted from the increased volumes of trade activities. There was a reduction in the Spanish silver dollar and it appreciated so much that it was abolished and the Mexican dollar introduced. These problems were enhanced by internal monetary crises that were instigated mainly by poor administration. The copper cash that prevailed in China depreciated significantly as a result of inadequate supply of copper. This devastated Chinese financial system and in 1853, the country had to result to paper money (Beeching 67). There was a significant effect on the textile industry. Prior to the Opium War, the Chinese made cloths by hand. This industry was almost eliminated as open system led to the importation of cheaper machine-made cloths and other products. The native textile industries had to adapt by lowering their charges, though this was detrimental to the textile workers. Their wages were reduced as the textile industries looked for ways of reducing their operation costs and led to lowering the living standards of these workers (Beeching 63). The old Chinese self-sufficient economy was changing under pressure. China’s social-economical development was affected by western capitalistic societies. This however did not lead to the formation of capitalistic China but rather made it to a semi-colonial semi-feudal state. The Chinese industries had been exposed to the outside states but at a time when they had not anticipated it. They were thus less prepared and less equipped to compete with these international industries. The opening up of China meant that the people who used to transport goods to Canton (mostly the Hakkas) were left without jobs. The majority of trade shifted from Canton to Shanghai as Shanghai had been opened for foreign trade. The Hakkas were considered to be ethnic minorities by the natives of Canton which led to a competition between the two clans in form of farming and economy. This led to wars between the two clans and as a result, hundred of thousands of lives were lost and the effect was quite significant to the China’s economy. The population which had made the country prosperous was being threatened by this internal wars and struggles (Chung, Para. 4). China was no more affected as a series of natural disasters also stroke the country. The Huang He River had burst its banks and flooded a vast portion of land in the year 1851. In 1855, the river flooded again and the fertile and among the most productive province of Jiangsu was in ruins as farmland was destroyed and loss of lives intensified. The Qing government could not afford to provide adequate aid to the survivors as funds had been drained during the opium war and against the Taipings rebellion. The government was also busy in negotiating for military aid with the European powers. The Qing government also faced contempt from the Nian movement which had just begun. The government was thus placed in a very unstable situation by all these occurrences and frustrations (Chung, Para. 5). According to Chung (Para. 7), the Muslim rebellions that tried to enhance equal rights among the Muslims and the non-Muslims, the Taipings rebellion, and other groups that were opposed to the Qing government failed to strike a solution to the prevailing social and economic crisis, as millions of people died. The much relied agricultural industry was severely affected by these rebellions as the countryside was ruined in these battles and countless people lost their lives. This led the Qing government to increase its dependence on the European Imperial forces and subsequent purchase of modern weapons. These internal conflicts made it hard for the Qing government to concentrate its military powers and it thus lost external wars: the Second Opium War (1856-1860) and Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895). The effect was an occupation of Beijing by an international force and the agreement of the Boxer Protocol (1901) which was done under humiliating terms. The government was to indemnify the European powers for the losses that they had suffered. The Qing court resisted reforms and revolutionaries and reformers advocated for overthrow of the Qing dynasty in order to form a republic. The Qing government was eventually weakened by the numerous rebellions as they tried to pursue economic stability as the economic crisis had worsened by the end of 19th century to a national status (Chung, Para. 10). The Rise of China’s Economy The growth and the sudden rise of China is one of the greatest economic successes in the world. With economic reforms in China which started in the year 1979, to 2008 China’s economy is believed to have grown 14-fold in real terms. This has led to the raising of hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty. On per capita basis, China is relatively poor though it is currently the world’s second largest economy. This has led to increase in economic ties between China and the U. S. China is still marked with low-cost labor and as such, most U. S. companies operate in China so as to benefit from the vast and booming Chinese Market and low cost of operations as a result of taking advantage of the low cost labor in their export-oriented manufacturing (Rawski, Para. ). The basic improvements seem to have originated from four modernization strategies in Agriculture, industry, science and technology, and National Defense. This meant that rural electrification had to be initiated, a total industrial automation, a focus on a new outlook of the economy, and an enhanced national security and strength on defense. Mechanization in agriculture and subsequent use of irrigation, led to the modification of the ind ustry so as to enhance production, better farming methods were also encouraged (Rawski, Para. 9). The Chinese social and cultural structure had been thought that it was a major constraint to economic growth and development. The rapid improvement in economic conditions of the Chinese is a clear indication that the social and cultural structures might be conducive to growth. There are certain elements of Chinese culture that generate an enterprising spirit which is not found in most cultures in poor countries. One would pose to wonder why this enterprising spirit didn’t have major effects in the 19th century as it had after the minor reforms in 1978 which initiated explosive growth. China used improvements in the heavy industry and infrastructure. Development of modern highways, and compounding of Petrochemical, steel and other industries ensured that the economic capacity of the nation was improved. This rapid growth was also initiated by the use of cheap labor which was used extensively in manufacture and subsequent export of low-end products (Overholt 23). The Implications The opening up of China and the subsequent catastrophic occurrences had negative impacts on the economic well being of China. The Western countries undermined China’s self sufficient economy, the rural homestead industries were as much adversely affected as the development that occurred in the urban market economy. On the other hand, it opened the nation to compare its progress with other nations as well. Technology was imported from the western countries and all this worked to enable the nation develop unbiased opinions on the working of international economies. The Chinese government established commercial and modern enterprises as a result of stimulation from the western capitalism. Many of the established enterprises went bankrupt as a result of poor administration, but the established modern industries thrived which enhanced the social-economic development of China. The modern industries stimulated the growth of Chinese capitalism and formed a basis which has marked a tremendous improvement of the Chinese economy (Chesneaux, Marianne & Maie-Claire 48). It is a wonder that a nation that could barely feed its citizens is an industrial giant with the leading capacity in steel production, aluminum, cement and coal. The U. S. ad been the world’s leading auto market but in January 2009, China had turned the tables. It had also been named the top producer of merchant ships in the year 2007. It is clear that the western influence had negative impacts to China at first but today China has all to gain. The exposure to the western markets at such a critical time gave the nation a clear understanding of improved technology and the workings of international markets and economies. China thus used its capacities and its capabilities so as enable it obtain control in this international market. When we compare China to North Korea, a country that was free from western influence, then we can confidently say that Western Influence was what was needed to awaken the sleeping giant in China (Overholt 29). According to the U. S. Department of State (Para. 20b), in the Mid-19th century, the western countries focused the capitalist diplomacy on Korea. The policy which was adopted by the Leaders made the region to be termed as Hermit Kingdom. Korea remained independent until late 19th century when China wanted to block the influence Japan had on Korean Peninsula and the pressure by the Russians. This led to the afore-mentioned Sino-Japanese war in which Japan emerged victorious. Korea was thus annexed as part of the Japan Empire which had strong colonial administration and control and it was not until the end of World War II in 1945 that Japan surrendered. This led to the division of Korea, where the United States administered the southern part and the U. S. S. R. took over the northern side. North Korea attacked South Korea in 1950 and the United Nations sent troops to support South Korea. China Supported North Korea until an armistice agreement was signed in 1953. North Korea is governed by a centralized government under the Communist Korean Worker’s Party (KWP). Minor parties do exist but under limited power and scope of authority. It has a record of wide violations of human rights as the government has total control on all issues in the state. The media is controlled by the government that it is not a wonder that ‘North Korea was ranked second to last on the World Press Freedom Index’ (U. S. Department of State, Para. 23b). North Korea spends quite a substantial proportion of its income on military, but the nation has not yet become self-sufficient in food production. Technological links were disrupted and affected with the collapse of communism in the former Soviet Union in 1989. The GDP of the nation has stagnated for quite a while and it is far much below China in economic development and in the living standards of its nationals (U. S. Department of State, Para. 18b). Conclusion The Chinese people were against the opening of China by the Opium War, but the control of China and influence by the Western countries made China a semi-feudal semi-colonial state. It was not until then that technology found its way into China and the Chinese were quick to use it to their advantaged. The shameful defeat in the Opium War made the Chinese vow to strengthen their country in order to prevent a repeat of the same. This has inspired the nation to the current situation of growth and influence in the world. In fact China is very reluctant to succumb to international pressure as it is on its way to gain the title the world’s economic giant.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

buy custom Commercial Carrier Business essay

buy custom Commercial Carrier Business essay United States of America is currently experiencing an increase in industrial production with an annual increment of +6.5% in 2011 as seen from a report by U.S. Federal Reserve and ATA. This has a great implication on the truck transport industry since it offers most of the transport services of goods produced from the said production industries. Therefore, this fact acts as an opportunity for Huffman Trucking Company which should be harnessed and to do so the company should diversify in its operational area and establish more facilities in other states rather than the 4 it has current established. Despite the high industrial growth, the U.S. goods export is foreseen to reduce from the current more than $100,000 million dollars to less than the value in the next three years. This implicates that the transport industry will not have much to transport in US ports for export since most of the products are used within the country. In other words in three years to come there will be high demand in transportation of goods within the country. Consequently, Huffman Trucking Company will take a strategic move of focusing in transportation within the country by establishing many facilities in other states not reached. Bureau of Economic Analysis and ATA have established that wages/salaries of employees have rose from $5,100 billions in 2010 to $5,400 billions in 2011. This fact will affect Huffman Trucking Company by causing an increase in the salaries paid to employees thus reducing the companys net profit. To mitigate this emerging threat the company will increase the cost of transportation. The current petroleum fuel crisis and predicted future worse crisis will have a major impact in the truck transporting industry since petroleum fuel is the major source of fuel used by trucks. The company will embrace other sources of fuel like use of biodiesel in its trucks to mitigate the threat. Competition Despite being many players in the commercial carrier business, the field remains highly fagmented with many different companies providing different kinds of trucking services. The major competitors for Huffman Trucking Company are companies with fleet of trucks but are mainly in the food industry. Therefore, they dont pose a major threat to the company since Huffman Trucking Company is in the non edible industrial products. Never the less, there a few truck transportation companies in that field who are considerably increasing in the market. To check on this Huffman Trucking Company will employ just in time strategy by installing and using the new automated loading and offloading machines hence reducing the time spent in loading and offloading. The company will be conducing annual market research to understand the competitors intelligence and make informed strategic decision on that matter. Legal and ethical issues Legal measures have been put in place by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to regulate trucking industry operations. FMCSA has set limitations in the number of hours a truck driver may drive. Trucks have specific roads and highways that they drive upon and the drivers have a 0.04% definition of blood alcohol concentration which is lower than the regulation for other drivers. In some states trucks have special speed limits and carrying weight limitations. It is evident that this rules and regulations will affect Huffman Trucks Company negatively in that they make it hard to run the business with many restrictions. The company will increase its number of trucks so that it can compensate for losses which might be incurred due to such regulations. Apart from the high drunkenness regulation of truck drivers, there are other ethical regulations set to streamline the industry. These are; Employment background check: This helps in verifying the competence and conduct of the driver. Supplier/vendor screening: Looking at the integrity and capabilities of potential suppliers Driving records: This enables the employer to have drivers with clean and valid driving docuuments and records. Substance abuse testing: Helping in reducing the incidences of accidents caused by drug or alcohol use. Employment physicals: They help in ensuring employees are properly placed with respect to their physical health and enhance their performance. These ethical issues will create a good opportunity for Huffman Trucking Company in getting the best personnel and gaining confidence and credence from its customers Technological Like many industries, computers, internet, fiber optic cables and advanced satellites have posted a great impact in the truck transportation industry. In general internet helps enterprises to discover new opportunities in sales and marketing, despite being 15 times less expensive than paper transactions. Considering the limitation and regulations in weight and size found in this industry, computerized analyzers have been made and used which have proved to be more reliable and efficient. Satellites have been installed on the top of trucks to enhance communication and geo-location of the truck. These satellites enable drivers to input bills of loading to simple texts and send them to their employers or other inspecting agencies. The GPS satellite receiver in the other hand enables one to locate the truck anywhere in the world thus, minimizing the risk of theft. Although there is a weakness in Huffman Trucking Company of outsourcing 100% of its information systems support there is still a need for more use of technology. To mitigate the outsourcing problem the company will employ information and technology experts to install, monitor, repair and maintain information systems used by the trucks and in the offices. This move will reduce the cost of installing and maintaining information sy stems incurred from outsourcing. The ICT experts will help in establishment of a database on the companys operations e.g. on drivers log and fleet maintenance. A network platform will be created connecting all the facilities in the country hence ease in communication and transacting. Buy custom Commercial Carrier Business essay

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Biomedical Ethics Essay Example

Biomedical Ethics Essay Example Biomedical Ethics Essay Biomedical Ethics Essay Alan Goldman’s piece. A Refutation of Medical Paternalism’ . contains an statement for why medical paternalism is incorrect. Goldman argues from the thought of The Relativity of Value. ’ Explain this peculiar statement and demo how it is an statement against medical paternalism ( be certainly to first specify what medical paternalism is ) . Do you believe this statement is right? Why or why non? In biomedical moralss. the construct of patient liberty versus is a immense consideration. This liberty is frequently contrasted with what is called medical paternalism. Medical paternalism refers to doctors moving in respects to what they feel is best for the patient without much respect to the patient’s true wants. It is the intercession of an individual’s right of action justified by grounds mentioning to the public assistance and/or involvement of that person. While medical paternalism may be seen as positive. many refute it. In Goldman’s paper. A Refutation of Medical Paternalism. he talks about why medical paternalism is incorrect. Goldman refutes medical paternalism by presenting assorted statements that support his instance. One facet of his statement lies in the undermentioned claim sing the relativity of values: The cardinal faulty premiss in the statement for paternalistic function distinction for physicians is that which assumes that wellness or drawn-out life must take absolute precedence in the patient’s value orderings ( 67 ) . Goldman states that in world. persons do non systematically move in order to minimise loss of life although the long-run penchant is to populate long. If persons did prioritise minimal loss of life invariably. all attempts would be purely directed towards health-related countries. This is non the instance. for to realize or continue those values that give significance to life is worth the hazard of life itself ( 68 ) . Therefore. Goldman states that it is unlogical for a physician to find what is best for the patient when such physician can non talk for what the patientâ €™s set of values and precedences. While a physician believes wellness is figure one in precedence. the person may non ever hold wellness as figure one at all times. The 2nd facet to Goldman’s statement is centered on the value of self-government. He argues that. as stated before. a physician can non truly cognize the true involvements of his patient. and at times. the patient may or may non even cognize his or her ain involvements. Because of this uncertainness. the physician is less likely than the patient to do the right determination. We value the exercising of free pick itself in personally of import determinations. no affair what the effects of those determinations upon other satisfactions ( 70 ) . When picks are of import to our lives. we like to cognize we have the ability to hold some control over them. When a physician holds the reigns of a patient’s good being without the patient’s say. it is difficult to state that the determination made is just. I personally concur with Goldman and th e statements he presents. I can see both sides to the statement ; I can see why medical paternalism can be good in some instances. but I can see why overall it is a basic intervening of an individual’s liberty. In the defence of medical paternalism. one can reason that it is expected of the medical practician to make what is best for his or her patient. However. as Goldman states. what does the practician know of what is best for a patient? For illustration. a patient may be in demand for a blood transfusion. Yet if the patient happens to be a follower of the Jehovah’s Witness. the physician can’t perchance coerce the patient to take the transfusion. for it straight goes against the patient’s beliefs. I believe that although physicians may medically hold an thought as to what is best for an person. what is of import is for the person to follow. for it is his or her organic structure that is being affected.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Environmental Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Environmental Law - Essay Example In particular Judge Weeramantry discussed environmental issues relative to the threat and use of nuclear weapons. Judge Weeramentry specifically noted that the use of nuclear weapons â€Å"endangers the human environment in a manner which threatens the entirety of life on the planet†.3 Judge Weeramentry went on to state that although there was no binding international law relative to the use and threat of nuclear weapons, based on its destructive nature and the threat to human life, health and the environment in general, there was sufficient basis in international laws particularly humanitarian laws to outlaw the use and the threat of the use of nuclear weapons.4 The main contributions of the ICJ in terms of international environmental law is divided into the Corfu Channel case and the Nuclear Tests case and the Barcelona Traction case. These cases essentially establish the international law with respect to transborder environmental damages and the introduction of the doctrine of erga omnes. In this regard, the ICJ held in the Barcelona Traction case: An essential distinction should be drawn between the obligation of a state towards the international community

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Communication and Decision Making OB & T (Mod4 SLP) Essay

Communication and Decision Making OB & T (Mod4 SLP) - Essay Example 5. Planning tends to have better preference summary level plans focused on mission objectives. Tactical plans may be used, but are probable to be fluid. May lean to limit operational plans that is how to stipulate to the enormously necessary amount. 6. Coordination is pertinent to rely on casual, interpersonal methods such as impromptu meetings or impulsive interventions. It will probably rely on the self-initiatives of cluster members to harmonize necessary connections (Hirokawa & Poole, 1996). The Changer consists of the twin styles of the Relational innovator and Reactive stimulator. The chief distinctive of this prototype is the capability to spawn many ideas and then, shift to accomplishment devoid of delay. This style is idyllically matched when the atmosphere, processes, and machinery are undergoing hasty occurrences (Littlejohn & Foss, 2008). The overruling stimulus of the changer is vital exploit and outcome thus helping to advance business condition. The vulnerability of a changer is that sometimes he or she lacks the structure at work and detailed discharge the upcoming ideas (Del, Doust & Glasziou, 2007). Changers also affect communication and decision making at work because they most of the times do not stick to projects and new technologies after they are predicted. Changers make things happen at work thus bringing new innovations and ideas. Conclusively, both strategic patterns combine the distinctiveness of the tactical styles that compile them. This amalgamation then yields apparent and conformist behavioral patterns that eventually bring about positive effects at work since both reactive stimulators and relational innovators works toward a common goal that is changing at work that is why they are referred to as

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Animal Ethics and Environmental Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Animal Ethics and Environmental Ethics - Essay Example There are two model approaches, through which the environmental ethics conception of wild animals is viewed. Both approaches place attention on the problems facing the endangered species, though they advocate for different rationales, in the area of giving animals preference, as opposed to the protection of the ecosystem at their detriment. First: is the anthropocentric view to wild animals, which seeks to guard endangered species from the destructive activities of humans. The second approach is the eco-centric model, which places attention upon the existence and the effects of wild animals, within the intrinsically valuable ecosystem (Des Jardins, 1993, p. 4-6). Discussion The key problem with adopting a perspective, which is informed, primarily, by intrinsic environmental ethics is that, such an approach, fails to fully consider the sentience of the wild animals benefitting from the ecosystem. The concept of consciousness or sentience is based on the fact that their interests shoul d be felt and perceived. Through failing to adequately recognize the sentience of these creatures, for instance, the kangaroos, the policy and laws in operation pay insufficient regard to the ethical needs of kangaroos as conscious beings. However, the notion that there is a conflict between animal rights and environmental ethics chiefly relies on a number of misconceptions about these animals and their effects on the ecosystem. For instance, in the case of the kangaroos, the misconceptions are evident, in the conception of their impacts in the areas of total grazing demands, populations, and sheep replacement. As evidence, Fisher Et al (2003, p. 1801-1808) argues that the effect of Kangaroos is immense on rangelands environs, where pressure on grazing land is evident. This is a misconception, mainly because the pressure on grazing land is not caused by kangaroos alone, but other animals like sheep as well (Des Jardins, 1993, p. 19-21). The moral status of animals is one major quest ion in this debate, mainly because; the question of the distinctiveness of humans, which earns them moral status is raised – and not that of the non-human entities in question. Answering this question is of great importance, among philosophers and the defenders of the rights of animals. In part, answering this question will aid humans to better understand the nature of human beings and the rightful scope of the moral obligations of humans. Some proponents of the debate argue that answering this question will help distinguish the value of humans as opposed to that of other parties of the natural world. However, this approach is considerably aimed at propagating the rightfulness of certain human activities towards the non-human creatures – especially, those that cause discomfort, suffering, pain and death to these entities. The other group – on the other hand – is of the opinion that answering the question will help humans justify granting moral considerati on to these nonhuman entities, namely animals and plant life. This is based on the philosophical consideration that despite the differences between humans and nonhuman animals; these differences do not justify denying these nonhuman entities moral consideration. However, the basis of moral considerati

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Power of Religion Essay Example for Free

The Power of Religion Essay In a very rapidly evolving economy and society the power of religion, culture and politics are making a major effect on the world that everyone today calls home. The power of religion, culture and politics relate to the post colonial literary lens and can be synced into creating the definition of what the post colonial literary lens means. In the New York Times bestseller written by John Updike titled Terrorist, the post colonial lens is evident throughout the novel as there is a continuous struggle of religion, culture and politics. The power of religion and culture is shown as individuals are willing to risk their lives for their own religion. In the United States of America members of the Muslim religion are not always treated as equally as the average American and this creates a struggle. The effects and struggles are shown throughout the novel from three of the main characters Ahmad Mulloy, Jack Levy and Shaikh Rashid. Ahmad Mulloy is an eighteen year old boy who is about to graduate high school and is strongly influenced by his Muslim religion and background beliefs. Jack Levy is the guidance councilor at the school that Ahmad attends and sees the intelligence in Ahmad when others do not including Ahmad himself. Shaikh Rashid is the leader of the local mosque that Ahmad attends frequently for advice and to pray. Through these three very different characters the post colonial lens is shown in different ways. At the beginning of the novel it is evident that the Muslim religion is not welcomed and appreciated in the American society of Patterson, New Jersey where Ahmad has been raised. Ahmad has a hatred for his mother Teresa Mulloy who raised him from a child, but on the flip side he idolizes his absent father who left Ahmad and his mother when he was only three years old. The power of the Muslim religion on Ahmad is present right from the beginning of the novel as he has sexual impulses towards another girl at his high school named Joryleen. The power of the Muslim religion on Ahmad can be seen when â€Å"Ahmad knows it is a sin to be vulgar towards his own god and that is why his sexual impulses for Joryleen dissipated,† (Updike, 18). Ahmad had sexual impulses towards a fellow schoolmate Joryleen who he had a crush on but God instructed him to repress them as it is a sin to have thoughts like this occupying your head. The power of religion is shown as he forces himself to give up thoughts that make him happy and excites him because it is not welcomed by the God in which he finds himself in the arms of. Moving through the novel Ahmad who is a very intelligent young adult has a desire to be a truck driver as he is convinced that it is a practical skill of good merit. Ahmad is also very frightened by the thoughts that continuing his academic studies in high school will strengthen his occasional religious doubt. While Ahmad is sitting in class his thoughts are doubtful, â€Å"sitting in class listening to his fellow classmates discuss what they are doing on the weekend, he realizes that he is not doing as much to keep up with his religion as he did in the past,† (Updike, 64). Ahmad has been in school and is realizing that the effects of an American public high school is changing his views on his religion and in his mind he believes he is betraying his God and this frightens him. He realizes tha t he needs to get out of school because it is manipulating him into a non-Islamic minded American like all of the others. He decides to drop out of school and become a truck driver and focus more on his religion and practicing the Muslim religion and this is why he begins going to a local mosque frequently. Moving on towards the ending of the novel Ahmad has become a very big believer in the Muslim religion and it is overpowering his thoughts on what is politically right and right in his religion. Ahmad’s involvement in the local mosque that he attends has got him involved in a terrorist plot against American infidels or non-Muslims. Shaikh Rashid who is the leader of the mosque Ahmad visits frequently begins going through the terrorist plot â€Å"Ahmad you will be driving the truck that is going to be used to blow up the Lincoln Tunnel under the Hudson River,† (Updike, 196). Ahmad is willing to risk his life by blowing himself up in the blast of the Lincoln Tunnel for the Muslim religion he believes in and stands so strongly behind. The power and impact of others and God on Ahmad is evident in showing how the power of religion is used and shown in the novel as not many people are willing to go to the extent of killing themselves to prove that they are true to their religion and beliefs. Throughout the novel Ahmad goes from losing his beliefs in the Muslim religion to realizing that his religion is what sets him free from everybody else and it is what he cares so strongly about. Moving throughout the novel and after Ahmad had realized that he needs to put more focus into his Muslim religion he meets a man named Shaikh Rashid. Shaikh is Ahmad’s imam at the local mosque that Ahmad begins to attend and his visits become more frequent as he gets closer to Shaikh. This man worked as Ahmad’s imam and mentor and this kept Ahmad going back and back to the mosque more frequently as he liked to associate himself with Shaikh. A good time in the novel where this is shown is when Ahmad left school to go to the mosque, â€Å"the streets were empty as everybody was in class learning and as Ahmad was about to learn more about himself,† (104). Shaikh was a great mentor for Ahmad and this is shown as he would give up going to school to further his beliefs in the Muslim religion. Shaikh agrees with Ahmad’s decision to give up going to school and focus on his religion because he also agreed that by continuing the opportunity of going to school it wou ld further corrupt his mindset on the Muslim religion. This would occur because Ahmad would have more American based beliefs pushed into his mind every day at the public high school he was enrolled in. Continuing deeper into the novel Shaikh found Ahmad a job with a furniture company called Excellency Home Furnishings and at this point Ahmad began trusting Shaikh more and more as he was helping him move on from high school. Shaikh announced the news to Ahmad about him finding him the job at Excellency Home Furnishings and this lead to Ahmad being more independent and without his mother. Ahmad shows this when he says, â€Å"My mother has tried to strip me down of my true Muslim desires for her own comfort,† (141). Shaikh has made Ahmad believe that his mother was a bad influence on him as it is evident that she did not put any focus into his background and where he came from. Ahmad does not feel the need for his mother anymore and begins being more independent because his mother is the only person in his life and she does not believe in the Muslim religion. To Ahmad this means that it is just him and the people he knows from the mosque now as he sees them as more caring towards him than his own mother. The power of Ahmad’s religion has pushed him right out of his mother’s arms and into the arms of fellow Muslims at the mosque. Shaikh turns out to be a very manipulative person and has mentored Ahmad for his own benefit and the job at the furniture company just turns out to be part of the plan. Shaikh manipulates Ahmad to participate in the terrorist bomb plot to blow up the Lincoln Tunnel under the Hudson River. Shaikh has gotten Ahmad taken over by the Muslim religion and says, â€Å"Already you have lived longer than many martyrs in Iran and Iraq,† (195). Shaikh has used the power of religion to manipulate Ahmad into participating in the terrorist plot and sacrificing his own life. The power of the Muslim religion has taken Ahmad fully over and it had been pressured upon him by Shaikh who is also a strong believer. Ahmad has felt let down by both of his parents and feels as if there is no life left in him; this is his calling to be a true Muslim and to prove that he is a pure believer. Shaikh used the power of religion to get a young adult to sacrifice his life for something that he himself was to coward to do alone. Throughout the novel Shaikh uses the power of religion to manipulate a young adult to do things he never would have done on his own. The power of the Muslim religion is proven when Ahmad follows through on the sacrifice of his life even after he finds out that is was staged. Lastly, the power of religion on Ahmad can also be seen through the interactions with the guidance councilor of the high school where Ahmad was attending. Jack Levy is an American Jew who had abandoned practicing his religion earlier on in his life. Jack in the novel showed that he cared for Ahmad quite a bit after visiting his mother to try and get her support in pushing Ahmad to further educate himself at the college level as he is very intelligent. Jack comes across as a nice and caring guy as he is trying to help Ahmad make the right choice in his life as shown when he goes to talk to his mother Teresa Mulloy â€Å"hello Ms. Mulloy, I am Jack Levy†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (176). Jack and Ahmad’s mother both agreed into trying to push Ahmad towards going to college but Ahmad disagreed. He thought about what abandoning his religion got Jack and it got him nowhere, he became one of many Americans who is in an unhealthy marriage and lives every day of his life facing coming home to an o bese wife. To Ahmad he cannot abandon his religion because putting more belief into it has changed who he is and how he does things. He is not risking of getting this happiness and freedom that he sees in the Muslim religion taken from him by going to college. Moving on into the conflict between Jack and Ahmad, each of them learn more about each other and many things come as surprise to both of them. One of the things that Ahmad learns about Jack is that he has been having an affair with his mother for the past three months. Ahmad learns this when Jack tries to have an honest conversation with him and says, â€Å"I have been having an affair with your mother for the last three months,† (213). This is the last string for Ahmad as he sees that Jack abandoning his religion has turned him into a sinner and a cheater as he cheated on his wife. The last thing that Ahmad wants is to turn out like Jack and share the same American non-Islamic beliefs. At this point Jack realizes that what he has just told Ahmad has pushed him further away and his mind more on continuing his religious practice. The power of the Muslim religion on Ahmad has him unwilling to turn into and die a sinner and thus is why he continues in his terrorist plot. Coming towards the end of the novel Ahmad is not looking back and has no regrets. He continues his trek to blow up the Lincoln Tunnel under the Hudson River. Nothing can stop him at this point and this is seen when â€Å"Ahmad while approaching the meeting point in the bomb-laden truck does not see his accomplices,† (274). On the day of the planned terrorist plot Ahmad’s accomplices are not at the planned meeting place but the mission must continue in Ahmad’s mind. Ahmad avoids being arrested by federal agents and continues his suicide mission alone as he has no intentions of turning around. Jack hears about this planned plot and tries to stop Ahmad but is ignored as Ahmad drives past him. At this point for Ahmad it is sacrificing his life because to him it is the right thing to do as his God is telling him to do it. He had two choices to continue the mission or to stop and turn out like the other American non-Islamic people and he did not want to turn out like them. The power of religion upon Ahmad is very evident and Jack Levy is used to show that nobody could stop Ahmad as the power of his beliefs caused him to get involved with criminal activity but it is what the Muslim God wanted for him. Finally, the aspects of the post colonial lens such as the power of religion, culture and politics are very evident in this novel. The power behind the belief in the Muslim religion is shown through Ahmad as the novel progresses and it is evident that no religion should be challenged. The struggle of American non-Islamic citizens on a true believer of the Islamic Muslim religion is seen throughout the novel. Evident characters in the novel that fall victim to these struggles are Ahmad, Shaikh and Jack. Ahmad was the biggest person in the novel that was influenced by the Muslim religion and proves that religion is very powerful as shows the willingness to sacrifice his life for his God. Shaikh is the main person involved in Ahmad’s life as he taught him a lot about himself and motivated him also. Although seen the motivation not always to be a good thing in his mind it was right, he strongly believed that. Jack is the one who saw well in Ahmad but failed to be able to help him because at this point Jack was only fueling Ahmad’s terrorist plot activity. Throughout the novel the power of religion surprises everybody and it is proof that nobody should challenge another person’s beliefs because it is infuriating and this is shown through Ahmad’s activities towards the end of the novel. Works Cited Updike, John. Terrorist. New York: The Random House Publishing Group. 2006. 310.